
Welcome, my dear guests!

I consider myself a food enthusiast. As much as I love eating, I also love experimenting with all the herbs and spices I can find. I want to share all my food experiences, food adventures and my recipes here. I'm glad you found this site. You must be a food enthusiast as well. I hope we can exchange recipes and food experiences, so please don't hesitate to leave a comment. Don't worry, I won't bite =P. I'm looking forward to reading your feedback! - Orchard

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cucumber Salad Recipe

(I have been referring to this salad, in my previous recipes, without realizing that I haven’t posted the recipe for it. Now, here it is! I apologize for the delay. =P)


1 medium cucumber, cut into ¼ inch thin slices
8 tbsp white vinegar
2 ½ tbsp sugar
1 tsp of rock salt
5tbsp water
Ground black pepper

To prepare:

In a bowl, pour the white vinegar and add the sugar, rock salt and water. Mix them together until the rock salt and sugar are dissolved. Sprinkle it with black pepper. Lastly, add the cucumber.

Voila, your cucumber salad is ready. Enjoy!  

(I prefer to eat mine freshly made, certainly less then 2-hours old.)

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